What is efficient audiomarketing?
How to effectively manage customer responses? How do directed stimulation and directed association work? Why these features are used in audiomarketing? Discover the power and importance of (background) music at the point of sale.
Sensory marketing in practice
Each shopping mall is a temptation offering unique experience. Store windows encourage you to explore the jungle of hangers, shelves and hidden corners.
Sometimes you can hear some fragments of music you already know and which make you feel good. You follow it and in the meantime you discover an intriguing scent which completes the image of this place that seems to be ideal for shopping.
And it does not take long when you find yourself affected by visual merchandising, aroma marketing and audiomarketing. The shopping list in your head disappears and sensory marketing and experiential marketing prevail.
Musical communication in audiomarketing
Audiomarketing is an example of pragmatic musical communication, aimed at a particular effect. In this case, the sender is usually a company representing a brand. In cooperation with a professional audiomarketing service provider a message for the target group is created.
Carefully chosen music is crucial since it becomes the medium for multi-level transmission of various meanings. Its goal is to modify or change the way the customer responds and behaves according to the sender’s intention.
Two pillars of audiomarketing
Steven Brown, the American psychologist, believes there are two basic mechanisms which may be used by the sender in various socially strengthened instrumental forms of communication. These are directed stimulation and directed association.
Successful implementation of audiomarketing strategy largely depends on efficient use of both mechanisms. The goal is to find their perfect balance with respect to the sender’s intentions. Unfortunately, the results sometimes resemble a highly explosive mix that may discourage customers and lead to negative shopping experience.
Author: Sylwia Makomaska
#psychologiamuzyki #musicpsychology #marketingsensoryczny #sensorymarketing #audiomarketing #marketing
In the Music Psychology Zone, you will find out how (background) music affects customers at points of sale. In subsequent publications, we will explain what strategies are used in audiomarketing and why (background) music can also evoke negative emotions.
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More information:
- Sylwia Makomaska (2021), Muzyka na peryferiach uwagi. Od musique d’ameublement do audiomarketingu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. https://www.wuw.pl/product-pol-15438-Muzyka-na-peryferiach-uwagi-Od-musique-dameublement-do-audiomarketingu.html
- Sylwia Makomaska (2021), “Acoustic wallpaper” under control – the case of musique d’ameublement and Muzak, “Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology” 21, 39-55. https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/ism/article/view/34751
- Sylwia Makomaska (2019), (Shared) meaning in the strategy of audiomarketing – theory and practice, “Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies” 9, 18-31. http://musicstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/JIMS-19SI-02-Makomaska.pdf